Gifts of Business Interests
As a business owner, you have the opportunity not only to build your business and accumulate wealth for yourself and your family, but also to accomplish your philanthropic goals through charitable planning. A gift of your corporate stock or assets can provide you with tax and income benefits and help further our mission. You may also be able to give an interest in your LLC or LP, as well as restricted stock.
Benefits of gifts of business interests
- You receive a charitable income tax deduction.
- You may avoid or mitigate taxes on the sale of your business stock or assets
- You may receive lifetime payments if your business stock or assets are used to fund a life income gift.
How it works
You may be able to donate stock or assets of your business to Carolina. When you are ready to sell your business, but before you sign a binding agreement, consider a charitable gift to reduce or completely avoid capital gains on the sale. If you give enough of an interest in your business to Carolina or another charity you love, you can use the resulting charitable income tax deduction to offset part or all of the capital gains on the interest you retain and sell. You may be able to use your business interest gift to fund a charitable remainder trust, which can pay you (and your spouse) income for life.
Is a gift of a business interest or business assets a viable option for you? The Office of Gift Planning can help you think through the issues & your planning options. Please contact us for a free, confidential discussion. We would be happy to assist you and answer your questions.